How much of your
annual revenue is at risk?
The potential revenue at risk can be calculated using the calculator below.
You can use the data in the example provided, or replace it with your own company data and re-calculate the results.
The white fields contain company financial data and
the yellow fields contain data derived from customer
experience baseline research.
Step 1: Enter your data
Step 2: Calculate the risk
Research also shows that customers who experience a
problem often tell between 8 and 15 other people about the
problems they have experience.
What you could gain
Step 3: Reducing the revenue at risk from problems:
The following calculator considers the possible benefits from
three key strategies that reduce a company's revenue at-risk
from problems experienced by customers:
Step 4: Your next step
This is only an indication of what a company stands to gain by
achieving the projected improvements in these areas.
To get the hard facts for your company, let us
establish a customer experience baseline for your
organisation to identify and quantify current sources of
customer dissatisfaction, estimate potential returns on
service investment and set customer-driven improvement
priorities for action and change.