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CX & EX Baseline Measurement


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Customer and employee baseline measurement
Establishing a baseline
to identifying risk, risks, priorities and remedies

Establishing a customer experience baseline and employee experience baseline helps to identify and quantify current sources of dissatisfaction and barriers to doing business, estimate potential returns on service investment, and sets customer-driven priorities for improvement.

CTMA’s baseline studies and measurement services can help you identify, justify and prioritise strategic and tactical improvement opportunities and forge a solid foundation for change.

Why this is important

There seems to be something very wrong with the way many businesses, and public services, measure their customers’ experience.

For many organisations, their customer experience metrics
mask potential failure,
mystify effective management,
absolve accountability,
and fail to drive positive action for change.


Background - the challenges, risks and benefits

The global health crisis, geo-political tensions and economic uncertainties have forced organisations, their staff and their customers, to each recalibrate the needs, value, and loyalties of their relationships.

It’s created a new urgency for businesses and public services to build a more sustainable and more resilient operational model.  One that aligns enterprise needs with those of its customers and staff, creating more genuine relationships focused on creating mutual value and mutual success.

Those that miss this opportunity run the risk of significant wasted costs, losing valuable customers, suffering reputational damage and losing valuable employees.  The secret weapon to tuning these misalignments is in the capture of customer experience and employee experience insights, and using them to drive enterprise improvement.

Customer experience insights can help you:

  • Improve customer journeys and processes
  • Improve customer interactions and
  • Improve relationships between the
    business and its customers
  • Improve customer engagement
  • Improve interaction efficiency
  • Improve customer retention
  • Improve customer advocacy
    - reducing the cost of sale

Employee experience insights can help you:

  • Improve business journeys and processes
  • Improve business interactions and
  • Improve relationships between the
    business and its employees
  • Improve employee engagement
  • Improve business efficiency
  • Improve employee retention
  • Improve employee advocacy
    - reducing recruitment costs


Capturing baseline customer insights

Customers are one of the best sources of insight for innovation and business improvement.  But effective customer experience measurement must to go far beyond simply creating a satisfaction or advocacy score or a performance index.

In developing our research methodologies we have ensured that measurement produces clearly actionable findings that identify specific areas of customer dissatisfaction, prioritised in terms of their strategic and financial impact to the organisation’s success.

Customer experience baseline study

CTMA’s Customer Experience Baseline study measures customer experience across the breath of their journey and relationship with an organisation. It identifies specific areas of poor performance, sources of customer dissatisfaction and customer-driven improvement priorities. It also identifies key aspects of customer complaint and word-of-mouth behaviour and provides a measure of the organisation’s effectiveness responding to customers.

The study delivers much more than a simple customer satisfaction score and performance index. It provides specific and actionable findings about customer experiences, presents customer satisfaction and improvement opportunities in financial terms, and estimates the cost of poor service and the potential return on specific areas of service improvement investment.

Report optionsBaseline studies report on four key areas of customer experience that have an impact on loyalty and advocacy:

The study identifies a set of clearly actionable customer-driven product and service quality improvement opportunities that often include a combination of strategic and tactical issues.

By estimating the financial impact of current level of satisfaction, the study identifies opportunities for improvement based on the profitability of good service and the cost of poor service.  Potential remedial actions and improvement initiatives can then be assessed in terms of their potential return on service level investment.

Industry studies

In addition to customer experience baseline studies commissioned by individual companies and public services, CTMA also conducts industry-wide baseline studies.  Each participating organisation receives confidential findings of its own customer experience performance, along with industry-wide findings for benchmarking and performance comparison.  Industries in which CTMA has conducted baseline studies include:

We’re extending our industry and geographical reach with these studies so please get in touch to find out if we are planning a study in your industry and your country soon.


Capturing baseline employee insights

Employees are one of the best sources of insight to identify barriers that may exist within your organisation to delivering great customer experiences.  After all, employees are the ones who deliver your products and services, and they are also the ones who help customers when things go wrong.  The effectiveness of employees doing their work is so vital in delivering customer experience, it’s essential to learn what stands in their way to being effectively engaged in driving your organisation’s success.

For large organisations with more than a hundred employees, employee studies can help you leverage their insights and identify priorities for improvement to improve employee and customer engagement, productivity, attendance and retention.

Employee experience baseline study

CTMA’s Employee Experience Baseline study captures employee insights of the internal influences on the organisation’s success.  It captures their experience of what it’s like to be an employee of the organisation, the problems and concerns they experience, what they do when they experience those problems and concerns, and how well the organisation responds to them when they look for help.  As an added benefit, it helps to prepare the organisation for change by encouraging employees to start thinking about business improvement. The Employee Experience Baseline study also assess how employee experiences may impact their loyalty to the organisation and their advocacy for the organisation as an employer and a supplier of products and services to its customers.

Employee customer experience insights study

CTMA’s Employee Customer Experience Insights study captures your employees’ view of what it’s like to be a customer of the organisation.  It collects their insights into customer journeys, the problems they experience, and helps to prepare the organisation for change by encouraging employees to start thinking like a customer.

When combined with the findings of a Customer Experience Baseline Study, employee experience and insights form a complimentary view of enterprise-customer engagement.


Customer experience diagnostic assessment

To complement the rigour of the baseline measurements described above, a close look at how the organisation works through a customer experience lens can often help to bring customer and employee insights into a practical context.  From our strategic assessments and reviews, to periodic visits, customer service ‘health-checks’ and executive coaching, we provide external validation, and act as an external catalyst for customer experience improvement initiatives.

ConsultingCTMA’s Customer Experience Diagnostic Assessment can help to clarify the operational gap between your customer experience vision, and the reality of where you are now.  It provides a strategic external view of an organisation’s current customer service and voice-of-the-customer practices, its current strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Assessments are typically conducted through a series of site visits and interviews with a cross-section of staff and management.  Following these meetings we present our findings to senior management, together with specific recommendations.  When assessments are conducted in parallel with a customer experience baseline study, the quantitative findings from the study can compliment and arm the assessment with customer-driven economic imperatives. 


Podcast episode: “The Measurement and Accountability Challenge”

There seems to be something very wrong with the way many businesses, and public services, measure their customers’ experience.  Their customer experience metrics seem to mask potential failure, mystify effective management, absolve accountability, and do nothing to drive actions to improve.

If you’re investing in voice-of-the-customer and measurement programmes, and not YET seeing many improvements – you are NOT ALONE.  In this episode I discuss a five step path to measurement and voice-of-the-customer maturity, along which many organisations set out, but only a few manage to get past the half way point - and that’s when they encounter this big BOULDER, “The Measurement and Accountability Challenge”

Check-out this episode right here and subscribe to the series on your favourite podcast platform:

For more information

Schedule a callIf you’d like to discuss our approach to establishing a customer experience baseline, or find out if we are planning an industry-wide study in your industry and country soon, or discuss any other ways we can help, please get in touch so we can schedule a call, or a Zoom Meeting.