Turning the voice of the customer
into management action
Helping our clients build customer loyalty and advocacy through customer excellence
CTMA is a research-driven customer experience and service
quality improvement firm, working internationally with senior managers
and their teams to help them achieve business success, reduce risk and
build customer loyalty and advocacy.
We believe that customers are one of the
best sources of insight for innovation and business improvement. Our job
is to help organisations capture that insight and then turn it into transformative
management actions.
Ways we help to turn a customer experience vision into a customer experience reality:
Organisations hire us because we provide insights about their
performance - from their customers’ perspective, and because we help
them turn those insights into management actions to
improve operational performance,
increase customer retention and
improve reputational growth.
Our training and consulting services help organisations develop
their customer experience vision and establish a customer-driven
framework for continuous improvement. Our
customer experience measurement services
help to drive service quality improvement and customer
experience management programmes by turning the voice of the customer
into management actions.
Podcast Series: “Getting CX Right with CTMA”
A great introduction to our approach is to listen to episodes in
our podcast series “Getting CX Right with CTMA”.
by CTMA’s Paul Linnell, it tackles some of the big challenges
that often block the path to delivering effective customer
experiences, and helps you to answer some of the big questions
standing in the way of progress.
“We’re on a mission, to demystify customer experience and put the
power of success in your hands, so you can take control and manage
your customers’ experiences, before they ‘take-over the wheel’ and
manage yours.” Paul Linnell
Check-out the launch episode right here and subscribe to the
series on your favourite podcast platform:
Discover the why and what
Everyone agrees that it’s nice to give customers a good
experience, but there’s often a lack of clarity:
- quantifying
why it’s
- justifying why it should be improved,
- agreeing what needs improving
CX Priority Assessment
Establishing a customer experience baseline helps to identify and
quantify current sources of customer
dissatisfaction, estimate potential
returns on service investment and sets
customer-driven improvement priorities for
action and
Identifying risk, risks & remedies:
CTMA’s customer experience assessments
and baseline studies help to identify, justify
and prioritise strategic and tactical improvement
opportunities, and forge a solid foundation for
the justification and planning of change.

Learn how, and take action
It’s a major challenge to transform an organisation, its departmental and hierarchical mindset, its processes and disciplines into one that
truly embraces customer excellence and continuous improvement.
CX Value Creation
CTMA’s Customer-Driven Framework for Continuous Improvement, Innovation and Value Creation can seamlessly overlay existing structures and provide a common set of enterprise-wide disciplines for delivering customer excellence
Becoming customer-driven:
CTMA’s frameworks and consulting services help to
establish transition roadmaps and plans, and
provide the leadership to bring about the positive change to turn
your customer experience vision into a customer
experience reality.

Don’t stop!
The need to keep up the momentum of continuous improvement, and
keep pace with the changing needs, wants and expectations of
customers, never ends. The biggest challenge is how to keep continuous improvement “continuous”.
Sustain and Gain
Using systematic measurement and adhoc feedback to capture customer insights to act as a control mechanism can help the organisation maintain service quality,
measure ongoing performance and
energise continuous improvement.
Ongoing value creation:
CTMA’s ongoing measurement programmes,
underpinned by our leadership coaching and
support, provide the disciplined
management framework and tools to turn ongoing customer feedback into management actions.

The “where”, “why”, “what” and “how” of CTMA - the movie
Please click here to request a complimentary

copy of our working paper:
“Counting the Cost of Bad
Customer Experiences”

Let’s talk
If there’s a specific customer challenge we can help you with now,
please contact us so we can schedule an introductory meeting or
call. We’d be delighted to learn more and
explore ways we can help.
Depending on your location and time zone, we can meet in person, or
by phone, or Zoom, please let us know.
A new urgency to get customer experience right
The challenges now facing business and
public services to maintain customer satisfaction, retain customer
support and prepare their organisations for the rapidly changing world
is bringing a new urgency to get
customer experience right.
Organisations now need
every advantage to win, keep, and grow a loyal customer-base.
Competitors are emerging from new and unexpected markets, and customers
are again demanding the best from their
In response, in addition to our
in-person services, we now deliver our one-on-one executive planning and
coaching sessions, and the content of our masterclass and workshops, directly to you and your team - in your own
meeting room, at your own desk or home office, in the form of live
personalised online training programmes, events and meetings.

If you are preparing your
organisation to adapt to the rapidly changing customer-driven world, please check out some of our
training programmes, or customer
experience measurement services, or just get in touch so we can
schedule an introductory call to discuss your specific needs and ways we can help
you in your mission to get customer experience right.

Paul Linnell (Founder and Managing Director -

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