Welcome to “Getting CX Right with CTMA”
(launch episode)
By Paul Linnell
In this launch episode I want to let you know what this podcast series is all about, and why it’s so important to you and your organisation now.
We’re on a mission: to demystify customer experience and put the power of success in your hands, so you can take control
and manage your customers’ experiences, before they ‘take over the wheel’ and manage yours.
Customer experience has become one of the most talked-about, but
high-risk and reluctant areas of business investment, where everyone seems to agree it’s important, but seldom really agree on
why it’s important,
why it should be improved,
how much should be spent on it, and even,
what it should be spent on.
In this podcast series, I’m going to tackle some of the big challenges that often block the path to delivering effective customer experiences,
and answer some of the big questions standing in the way of progress:
- Why should we bother to improve customer experience?
- Why does it seem that customer excellence is
so rare and so
hard to achieve?
- What’s the right way to measure
customer experience so that:
- You know the impact it has on your organisation’s success,
- You know what to do to
improve it?
- How do you set priorities for improvement, and
calculate the ROI?
- How can you break through the organisation’s hierarchies and departmental barriers and
get everyone involved?
- And then, how do you keep everyone involved?
During the series, I’ll be revisiting some of the tough moments
I’ve shared with clients over the past 25 years, in a wide range of
industries, from airlines to banks, local government to passenger
ferries, pharmaceutical and railway companies, telcos, power companies,
government agencies and more…
I’ll be sharing some of the strategies and frameworks we’ve
developed to help them unblock their path to customer excellence,
and some of the techniques we teach during
our leadership training and coaching programmes. I’ll
also be using some of the findings from our industry-wide
customer experience studies and ongoing measurement programmes - to
help you put some real numbers into why it’s so important to
customer experience right.
Also mentioned in this episode
Next Episode: 001: The Reality-Clarity Challenge -
(Why bother with “CX”)
Everyone agrees that it’s nice to give customers
a good experience, but there’s often a lack of
clarity quantifying
why it’s important, and then,
justifying the reality
of why it should be improved.
This is a
big enough challenge for business where there’s an
intuitive link between satisfying customers, and
getting them to come back to buy more, but it can be
an even greater challenge in the public sector,
where customers seldom have a choice of an
alternative supplier. If an organisation can’t clearly define a
business justification for improving customer
experiences, it’s programme is very likely to underperform,
get stuck or fail to start!
In this episode I look at “The Reality-Clarity
Challenge” - possibly one
of the most common, least understood, and most important challenges to
get right. So let’s
“dig out this boulder”, see what it’s all about, and
devise a plan to master it.
Schedule a call
I’d really like to learn more about your customer experience challenges. If you’d like to speak to us about any CX “boulders” that stand in
the way to your success, please contact us to schedule a call.
About your host - Paul Linnell
Paul Linnell is a customer experience and service quality
improvement champion, working internationally with senior managers
and their teams to help them achieve business success, reduce risk
and build customer loyalty and advocacy by taking actions to improve
customer experiences. Paul specialises in the design and deployment
of customer experience measurement, service quality improvement,
complaints handling and preventive analysis programmes. Industries
he has worked with include, Automotive, Consumer electronics,
Consumer goods, Electricity & Gas retail, Financial services,
Information technology, Local Government and Public Sector, Media /
Publishing, Passenger travel (Rail, Air and Sea), Pharmaceuticals
and Telecommunication. Paul has worked with clients and presented on
these subject at conferences and corporate events in the UK, Europe,
North America, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.
Originally from the UK and now based in New Zealand, he continues to
serve clients globally.