...turning the voice of the customer
 into management actions

Home >> Our services >> Travel, Tourism and Hospitality >> Registration

Our services for travel, tourism and hospitality

Customer experience snapshot - registration

To register to take part in a Customer Experience snapshot of your travel, tourism or hospitality business, please enter your details in the form below:

Participant Registration

(Please note: Fields marked with a red star ‘*’ are required)

Your organisation’s details:


Your details:

Please enter the details of the person who is submitting and authorising this registration:

Title: First name: Last name:  

(Checking this box can help to avoid your needing to type in these details on our site in future)

Multiple reporting entities

If customers experience your services at different locations (or on multiple routes), we can build each of these entities into the survey and report on the relative performance of each entity.  Please confirm how many multiple reporting entities we should include in your customer experience snapshot.

The base price for the customer experience snapshot includes a single reporting entity.  There is an additional fee for each additional reporting entity.

(Please enter the number of reporting entities, or a 1 for a single reporting entity)


Participation fee 

Please confirm your local currency (or preferred currency if your local currency is not displayed), and your agreement to the fees and general terms, by making the appropriate selection below: 


  • Participation fee US $670 (plus US$15 for each additional reporting entity)
  • Participation fee UK £470 (plus UK£10 for each additional reporting entity)
  • Participation fee Euro €597 (plus €12 for each additional reporting entity)
  • Participation fee AU $870 (plus AU$18 for each additional reporting entity)
  • Participation fee NZ $970 (plus NZ$20 for each additional reporting entity) (+GST)

              (25% of the participation fee will be invoiced upon registration and the remainder will be invoiced upon delivery of the report)

To change pricing to your local currency please select it below


Confirm your participation:

Please click on the button below to confirm your participation:


For more information

If you would like to discuss project in more detail prior to registration, please get in touch so we can schedule a call or a meeting.

 Contact us